Class member | Description |
AddErrorHandler | Adds an error handler |
CreateTransform | Creates a transform that can modify text or search through text |
CreateuCalc | Creates a new uCalc instance |
DataTypeOfIndex | Returns a data type object |
Default | Returns default settings |
Define | Defines a uCalc.Item object (a constunction, function, operator, variable, etc) |
DefineConstant | Defines a constant |
DefineDataType | Defines a data type |
DefineFunction | Defines a function |
DefineOperator | Defines an operator |
DefineSyntax | Defines a syntax construct |
DefineTransform | Defines a transform |
DefineVariable | Defines a variable |
ErrorExpression | Returns the expression associated with an error that was raised |
ErrorLocation | Returns the location of an error that was raised |
ErrorMessage | Returns a message associated with the error that was raised |
ErrorNumber | Returns the error number of the error that was raised |
ErrorResponse | Sets the error response for an error handler |
ErrorSetExpression | Sets a new expression after an error is raised |
ErrorSymbol | Returns the symbol associated with the error that is raised |
Eval | Parses and evaluates an expression in one step |
EvalStr | Parses and evaluates an expression of any data type in one step, returning the result as a string |
Expand | Expands an expression |
ExpandSteps | Returns each step leading to an expression expansion |
FPEnvClearException | Clears floating point exception(s) that were raised |
FPEnvGetExceptionMask | Returns the floating point environment error mask |
FPEnvGetRounding | Gets the current floating point environment rounding option |
FPEnvRaiseException | Raises a floating point exception in a uCalc.Callback function |
FPEnvSetExceptionMask | Sets the current floating point environment mask |
FPEnvSetExceptionUnMask | Unmasks the current floating point environment mask |
FPEnvSetRounding | Sets the floating point environment rounding option |
FPEnvToggleExceptionMask | Toggles the floating point environment mask |
GetItemOf | Returns the uCalc.Item object associated with the given name |
GetItemOfProperty | Returns the nth uCalc.Item object that matches a property |
Handle | Returns the handle of the uCalc object |
HandleOf | Returns the handle of a uCalc.Item given a name |
License | Sets the license code |
NamespaceChild | ??? |
NamespaceChildCount | ??? |
NamespaceParent | ??? |
NamespaceSymbol | ??? |
NamespaceSymbolCount | ??? |
NewTransform | Returns a new transform object |
Parse | Parses an expression that will later be evaluated with Evaluate or EvaluateStr |
Precedence | Returns the precedence level of an operator or the level between two operators |
Properties | Combines properties into a numeric value that can be passed to GetItemOf |
Release | Releases a uCalc instance |
ReleaseuCalc | (Use Release instead) |
ResetOutput | Removes any output decoration |
SetOutput (Callback) | Allows a callback to decorate the output of EvalStr |
SetOutput (NoCallback) | Formats the appearance of results returned by EvalStr or EvaluateStr |
uCalcHandle | Handle for uCalc instance |
ValueAt | Returns the value located at the specified Pointer address |