
Applies to:uCalc Transform
Class for rules
Class member Description
CaseSensitive Sets whether a rule is case-sensitive
CodeBlockSensitive Sets code block sensitivity
Comment Associates a comment with a rule
From Sets a pattern that text must match for a given rule
Max Sets the maximum number of matches of this rule allowed
Min Sets the minimum number of matches that must be found in this rule
ParseAgain Determines if modified text should be parsed again after it is modified
ParseAgainMax Sets the maximum number of times a rule will cause a reparse at a given location
QuoteSensitive Sets quote sensitivity
RuleHandle Handle for RuleClass
SkipOver Determines whether a given match is skipped over
StartAfter Sets the number of matches this rule must find before matches start counting
StopAfter Sets the number of matches after which this rule should stop finding matches
To Sets the text a mactch should be changed to
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