
Applies to:Fast Math Parser
Up and running with uCalc FMP
uCalc is very easy to set up with various compilers. Simply copy the uCalc DLL (.so +++) to your app's bin directory (or other directory of your choice that's in the path), then follow the directions below relevant to the compiler you are using. ## Visual Basic In Visual Studio, go to Project / Add Existing Item..., and select uCalc.vb, and voila, you're all set. In VB.NET uCalc automatically instantiates a uCalc object named uc. ## C# In Visual Studio, go to Project / Add Existing Item..., and select uCalc.cs. Unlike the other supported compilers, uCalc does not instantiate a uCalc class at startup. To run examples that use a uCalc object named uc, first instantiate uc as follows: #c static uCalc uc = new uCalc(); #c ## C++ In Visual Studio, go to Project / Add Existing Item..., and select both uCalc.h and uCalc.cpp. Add the following line towards the top of your source code files that will be using uCalc: #c #include "uCalc.h" #c Note: If you use stdafx.cpp, then open uCalc.cpp and uncomment the line at top that says ``// #include "stdafx.h"`` ## C++.NET The instructions are similar to that of C++, however, add uCalcNET.h to your project instead of uCalc.h. Do not add uCalc.cpp. Only uCalcNET.h is used. ## Note: uCalc FMP is compiled with Visual C++, and requires the VC++ runtimes. These might typically already be installed on PCs running the latest version of Windows. If you are using an older version of Windows you may need to download the redistributables from Microsoft. ## FAQ: I have a 64-bit system. Which DLL do I use? The Windows 64 Operating system can run 32-bit as well as 64-bit applications. If you choose to compile your app as 32-bit, then you must use the 32-bit uCalc DLL. If you are compiling a 64-bit app, then you must use the 64-bit DLL.
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