uCalc Fast Math Parser Free
See Also: Standard License
uCalc Fast Math parser 3
Copyright © 1998-2013 by Daniel Corbier.
All rights reserved.
If you are working on a project where maximum evaluation speed, and other advanced features are not required, then the free license might be all you need. You may use the free license for personal or commercial purposes. To make use of uCalc Fast Math Parser’s full functionality, use Standard License instead.
There is no time limit for the use of the free license.
License agreement
The following part of this text serves as a license agreement between Daniel Corbier, the author of uCalc Fast Math Parser (or uCalc FMP), and you, the software developer entity using this component, and pertains to the free license for uCalc FMP 3. Your usage of this component implies your acceptance to abide by the terms of this end user license agreement.
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Daniel Corbier, author of uCalc FMP, grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use this component. This license is based on the condition that you do not attempt to hack the component to circumvent limitations imposed upon the free license to gain access to functionality reserved for a non-free commercial license.
2. DISTRIBUTION. Only the .DLL file(s) from the parser component may be distributed as part of your finished program. Under the free license, you may include the DLLs in commercial, educational, personal, or private projects, on as many computers as needed, whether on individual or networked systems, provided that you do not overstep the boundaries of the free license functionality. There is no royalty fee. License codes given to users who pay for a commercial license should not be distributed.
Add-on libraries for this component may also be distributed royalty-free as long as the license code is not distributed or implemented in the library. You may sell or give away your add-on products. But programmers who use your add-on product must secure their own separate license for uCalc FMP itself. Your add-on must be distributed as a separate entity without including uCalc FMP itself in it. Your add-on users must download their own copy of uCalc FMP.
uCalc DLLs cannot be distributed within a product that targets other programmers, as opposed to programs that target regular end-users. Such a product can be distributed separately from uCalc FMP under the same conditions as add-on libraries as described in the previous paragraph.
3. LIMITED WARRANTY. This component is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All other warranties are also expressly disclaimed.
4. SUITABILITY. The persons or companies using this component are solely responsible for thoroughly testing it to make sure it works to their satisfaction before incorporating it into their programs. The same DLLs are used in both the free and commercial licenses for uCalc FMP. Under the default demo mode, all features are made available for you to play with.
5. EXPORT. You agree to comply with U.S. export laws and regulations concerning the acquisition, usage or transfer of computer software.
Disclaimers for the free license
The uCalc FMP Free license comes with no warrantees of any kind. In addition to this general disclaimer, here are additional ones pertaining specifically to the free license:
Removing the message box
Instructions for removing the message box under the free license can be found online at www.ucalc.com/FreeLicenseCode.html .