
Applies to:Fast Math Parser
Renames an item
The new name of the item
Any defined item that has a name (such as a variable, constant, function, operator, etc) can be renamed with this function.

Example 1: Renames the Cos function (which is in Radian) to CosR and defines Cos in Degrees

uc.DefineConstant("pi = Atan(1) * 4")

' Original Cos behavior with Radian
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(pi)")) ' Returns -1
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(180)")) ' Returns -0.59846

' Cos is renamed to CosR so that Cos can now be defined in Degree
uc.DefineFunction("Cos(x) = CosR(x*pi/180)")

' Now Cos is in Degree
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(pi)")) ' Returns 0.998497
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(180)")) ' Returns -1

' This is the original function now named CosR
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("CosR(pi)")) ' Returns -1
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("CosR(180)")) ' Returns -0.59846
' Note: Some functions may be overloaded, such as the Cos function in
' this example, which has a definition for Double and another for Complex.
' This example renames only the Double precision version.


uc.DefineConstant("pi = Atan(1) * 4");

// Original Cos behavior with Radian
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(pi)")); // Returns -1;
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(180)")); // Returns -0.59846;

// Cos is renamed to CosR so that Cos can now be defined in Degree
uc.DefineFunction("Cos(x) = CosR(x*pi/180)");

// Now Cos is in Degree
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(pi)")); // Returns 0.998497;
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(180)")); // Returns -1;

// This is the original function now named CosR
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("CosR(pi)")); // Returns -1;
Console.WriteLine(uc.Eval("CosR(180)")); // Returns -0.59846;
// Note: Some functions may be overloaded, such as the Cos function in
// this example, which has a definition for Double and another for Complex.
// This example renames only the Double precision version.

//+++E: Temp - Using Overwrite to ..
uc.Define("Overwrite ~~ Function: ");


         uc.DefineConstant('pi = Atan(1) * 4');

         // Original Cos behavior with Radian
         WriteLn(uc.Eval('Cos(pi)')); // Returns -1;
         WriteLn(uc.Eval('Cos(180)')); // Returns -0.59846;

         // Cos is renamed to CosR so that Cos can now be defined in Degree
         uc.DefineFunction('Cos(x) = CosR(x*pi/180)');

         // Now Cos is in Degree
         WriteLn(uc.Eval('Cos(pi)')); // Returns 0.998497;
         WriteLn(uc.Eval('Cos(180)')); // Returns -1;

         // This is the original Function_ now named CosR
         WriteLn(uc.Eval('CosR(pi)')); // Returns -1;
         WriteLn(uc.Eval('CosR(180)')); // Returns -0.59846;
         // Note: Some functions may be overloaded, such as the Cos Function_ in
         // this example, which has a definition for Double and another for Complex.
         // This example renames only the Double precision version.


uc.DefineConstant("pi = Atan(1) * 4");

// Original Cos behavior with Radian
cout << uc.Eval("Cos(pi)") << endl; // Returns -1;
cout << uc.Eval("Cos(180)") << endl; // Returns -0.59846;

// Cos is renamed to CosR so that Cos can now be defined in Degree
uc.DefineFunction("Cos(x) = CosR(x*pi/180)");

// Now Cos is in Degree
cout << uc.Eval("Cos(pi)") << endl; // Returns 0.998497;
cout << uc.Eval("Cos(180)") << endl; // Returns -1;

// This is the original function now named CosR
cout << uc.Eval("CosR(pi)") << endl; // Returns -1;
cout << uc.Eval("CosR(180)") << endl; // Returns -0.59846;
// Note: Some functions may be overloaded, such as the Cos function in
// this example, which has a definition for Double and another for Complex.
// This example renames only the Double precision version.

//+++E: Temp - Using Overwrite to ..
uc.Define("Overwrite ~~ Function: ");


uc.DefineConstant("pi = Atan(1) * 4");

// Original Cos behavior with Radian
Console::WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(pi)")); // Returns -1;
Console::WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(180)")); // Returns -0.59846;

// Cos is renamed to CosR so that Cos can now be defined in Degree
uc.DefineFunction("Cos(x) = CosR(x*pi/180)");

// Now Cos is in Degree
Console::WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(pi)")); // Returns 0.998497;
Console::WriteLine(uc.Eval("Cos(180)")); // Returns -1;

// This is the original function now named CosR
Console::WriteLine(uc.Eval("CosR(pi)")); // Returns -1;
Console::WriteLine(uc.Eval("CosR(180)")); // Returns -0.59846;
// Note: Some functions may be overloaded, such as the Cos function in
// this example, which has a definition for Double and another for Complex.
// This example renames only the Double precision version.

//+++E: Temp - Using Overwrite to ..
uc.Define("Overwrite ~~ Function: ");

DLL import code
<DllImport(uCalcDLL, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint:="Rename")> _

Private Sub Rename__(ByVal ItemHandle As IntPtr,ByVal NewName As String)
End Sub
[DllImport(uCalcDLL, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint="Rename")]

protected static extern  void Rename_(IntPtr ItemHandle, string NewName);
{DLLImport}procedure Rename__(ItemHandle: System.Pointer;NewName: AnsiString); cdecl; external uCalcDLL name 'Rename';

typedef  void (* __Rename)(void *ItemHandle, CONSTCHAR NewName ); 

[DllImport(uCalcLib, CharSet=CharSet::Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention::Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Rename")]

static void Rename_(void *  ItemHandle, MARSHALSTR NewName);
See also
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